witer Stingo CRM is a customer relationship management solution that is designed keeping in mind the needs of the Product & Service industry. It lets you Increase your leads and sales through automation
Key Features of Stingo
How is the Software Accessible : On Premises |
Does this the Software Offers Free trial : |
Does this Software has a life time free plan : |
Does the software run on mobile browser : |
Is customisation possible updated: |
Are APIs available for this software : |
Desktop Platform option : Desktop, Windows, |
Mobile Platform Option : IOS/App Store, Android / Play Store, |
Language in which the software available :English |
Integrations : |
Alternative of Stingo
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Available Support
CRM software is a solution to automate your lead process from the date of inquiry tells the date of closing. CRM is a solution that keeps track of your lead life and gives you a status for Lead in a refined manner.
The main goal of the CRM software is to improve overall customer satisfaction and which in turn boost the sales process of the company.
Benefits of using Sales CRM
1.Sales CRM helps to automate your entire sales process.
2.Helps in building quality relationships with the customers
3.Helps in forecasting the future trends of the industry as per the demand of the customer.
4. We solved problem of leads leakage and improve employee performance for your bsuiness.